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All Tutorials · 480 Results

Screencast Video Course
Flutter & Dart
Your First Flutter Flame Game
Creating a game can be a really complex endeavor, especially when you want to support multiple platforms. ... more
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin Coroutines: Fundamentals
Learn the fundamentals about threads and coroutines, along with the basics of the Kotlin Coroutines framew... more
Flutter & Dart
Saving Data in Flutter
Data is king! In this course you’ll see different techniques to store data in your Flutter apps. You will ... more
Flutter & Dart
Testing in Flutter
Testing is one of the important aspect in app development. Testing helps to find and fix bugs, increasing ... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Concurrency with GCD & Operations
Learn how to add concurrency to your apps! Keep your app’s UI responsive to give your users a great user e... more
iOS & Swift
iOS App Distribution
This course will walk you step by step through the process of registering for a new developer account and ... more
Android & Kotlin
Your Second Kotlin Android App
In this course, you’ll level up your Android skills by writing a task list managing app entirely in Kotlin... more
Android & Kotlin
Your First Kotlin Android App: Polishing the App
This course is the sequel to “Your First Kotlin Android App: An App from Scratch.” In this Jetpack Compose... more
Android & Kotlin
Your First Kotlin Android App: An App From Scratch
Updated for 2023! Get started with Android by building your own game using Jetpack Compose and the Kotlin ... more
Multiple Domains
Getting Started with Git
An introduction to Git! Learn the basics of Git so you can use it in your daily workflow.
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
In this Jetpack Compose Course, you’ll learn what Compose is, what its fundamental components are, and how... more
Android & Kotlin
Deploying Android Apps Using GitHub Actions
Learn how to automate the process of generating signed builds, and releasing them to Firebase App Distribu... more
Android & Kotlin
Programming in Kotlin: Functions & Custom Types
Take a deeper look at the Kotlin programming language! Explore the intricacies of functions, lambdas, clas... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Hero Animations
Create impressive hero animations using the Hero Widget in Flutter when transitioning from one screen to a... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Desktop Apps: Getting Started
Learn how to create a Flutter Desktop App for both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Create application... more
Multiple Domains
Professional Development Seminars 2023
You’ve built your development skills through our high-quality, up-to-date books and videos, and now it’s t... more
iOS & Swift
SwiftUI Fundamentals
An introduction to building iOS user interfaces with SwiftUI! Learn about SwiftUI Views and modifiers, com... more
iOS & Swift
Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: Polishing the App
This course is the sequel to “Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: An App from Scratch.” In this course, we’l... more
iOS & Swift
Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: An App from Scratch
Updated for 2023! If you’re a complete beginner to iOS and SwiftUI development and wondering how to get st... more
Android & Kotlin
Testing Legacy Apps on Android
In this course you are going to learn how to apply the test-driven development practices your learned in “... more
iOS & Swift
watchOS: Complications
Learn how to develop one of the most compelling and useful features of the Apple Watch: Complications.
Android & Kotlin
Test-Driven Development in Android
In this course, you are going to learn how to create scalable and maintainable apps by applying several te... more
Flutter & Dart
How to Create a 2D Snake Game in Flutter
Learn how to build a 2D Snake game in Flutter for both Android and iOS platforms. You will learn how to us... more
Android & Kotlin
Wrangling Dates & Time in Android
In this course, gain a deep understanding of how the Data-Time Library works & learn to manage the ess... more